Monday, October 15, 2012

Great Find: Artisan Lettuces

Artisan Lettuce from Walmart Produce Department

New container, but the week-old one didn't look much different.

I don't shop much at Walmart, especially for food. I do go there for gas cards and kitty litter, and when I do, I always cruise the produce department to see if they have any interesting vegetables, like Swiss chard, baby bok choy, or rappini. A week or so ago, I found Artisan Lettuces, small heads of 4 different kinds of lettuce packed stem down in a plastic container (that makes an excellent container for scraps for the compost pile).

The lettuces keep an amazingly long time. I was always having to toss the last half or third of a bag of washed lettuces that I was buying. I decided to make a salad last night, wondering if there would be enough lettuce left to do so, and I did not have to discard anything but the bottom part of the stems (basically the part just above the roots).

Last night's salad.
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